Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chief Whitecap Park

Chief Whitecap Park

"Something for Everyone"

What Happened Here?

In 1961, the City of Saskatoon bought 350 acres of land from the Government of Canada.

The land was previously used as a rifle range by the Department of National Defense.

In January 1979, this undeveloped land was officially named Chief Whitecap Park by City Council.


The park’s proposed program plan was designed to provide “Something for Everyone.”

What is Happening Here?

The snow crunches under our feet

We see dogs playing and taking bitefuls of snow

There are traces of deer and jack rabbit...

and many traces of dogs!

We see ROSEHIPS.....

and eat them!

Video of Culture in the park:

What Could Happen Here?

  • we can Remember where we come from...

  • we can See places the way they used to be

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

20th St West Saskatoon

What Happened Here?

Riversdale is one of the oldest areas in Saskatoon.

It was one of the three settlements that merged to form Saskatoon (in 1906).

As of 2006, the area is home to 2,335 residents.

The neighbourhood is considered a lower-income area, with an average family income of $29,441, an average dwelling value of $121,082 and a home ownership rate of 41.7%. (Wikipedia)

What is Happening Here?

My first time to 20th St. I went to get groceries from a chinese grocery store

and noticed chinese restaurants too...

20th St Also has African Restaurants...

and there are lots of churches

maybe to help heal?

20th St. West also has pawn shops, cash loans stores and other stores defining the neighborhood as "poor"

How do these shops shape the identity of the people that live there?

Youth perspective of 20th St W:

What Could Happen Here?

  • The community could be rejuvenated
  • Diversity could be celebrated in a real way
  • 20th St W children could grow up knowing and believing in antiracism
  • It could be a community of trust